Found Ginger

Ginger, my old stuffed cat,

Going through my boxes, I came across a stuffed toy my seanmhair made for me as a kid. Her name is Ginger, such an original name, and she went with me everywhere when I was in kindergarten. After that, she stayed at home because my parents convinced me it would be safer. Even when I got into junior high, I always kept her close to me. It was a habit to have her with when I talked to my grandma.

Finding her again brings back some great memories. During summer visits, Ginger and I would explore the garden while granny sat on the porch crocheting. I would pretend to be an explorer searching for untold treasures. I vaguely remember hearing bell-like laughter coming from the flowers.

I remember when I lost her once. My parents couldn’t get me to stop crying. They offered to get me a new one, but I was adamant that no other toy could replace Ginger. My mom found her buried under some clean clothes in the laundry room. My tears of sadness turned to tears of joy when I got her back.

My stuff arrived

So I forgot to leave a bowl of cream out last night before I went to bed. The reason is that my stuff finally arrived and I spent the rest of the day unpacking. By the time I finished, I was exhausted and went to bed after having some leftovers. 
When I woke up this morning, the dirty dishes were still in the sink. I feel like I got off easy last night. Maybe the brownie decided to give me a pass. To make sure I don't forget, I put an alarm on my phone to remind me. I'd rather avoid having a boggart in my home. To make up for last night, I've left a piece of cake out with the cream.
The cake was from a little bakery in town. It's run by a recently married couple, Kenneth and Paisley Burns. Kenneth is in charge of the baking while Paisley mans the front. Sometimes she helps in the back when they get bombarded. The cake was a simple pound cake, and it was delicious. I shared some with Mrs. Willow when I ate dinner with her.

Meeting my new neighbors

Hello everyone! It’s been a while. These past few weeks of moving in and unpacking have kept me busy. The great thing is that I finally finished. While I waited for my stuff to arrive, I decided to explore the town. I was about to call a taxi when I met my other neighbor. She was talking with Mrs. Willow, who noticed me and called me over. Her name is Evanna Ross, and she helps out at her husband’s, Malcolm, restaurant during the week. She used to help out Mrs. Willow and my seanmhair by doing grocery runs when they need a few things. Her twins, two boys, named Alec and Clyde go to the local junior high.
Anyway, back on topic, Evanna was kind enough to give me a ride to town and back for groceries. Turns she was going to get some too. We made a pit stop at her husband’s restaurant, The Golden Birch. Malcolm was a jolly fellow with how warm his welcome was to me. After getting lunch there, we left and got groceries. I helped Evanna with unloading hers and Mrs. Willow as a thank you.

Empty bowl, clean house, and a family brooch

My seanmhair’s favorite brooch

A surprise was waiting for me this morning. The dirty dishes I had in the sink were clean and dry. I don’t recall washing them last night. Although if what I read from the letter and online is true then I think I know who helped out. I wanted to be certain so I checked the dish I set under the clock. There wasn’t a drop of cream left in the bowl.

Surprisingly, on the counter, was my grandma’s favorite brooch. She rarely ever took it off, and it makes sense now on why she wasn’t wearing it at her funeral. The question is why did she not have it then? Did she give it to the brownie to give it to me?

Brownie – fairy facts

The contents in the letter left to me by me seanmhair have piqued my curiosity. While I was taking a break from unpacking, I decided to research what I can about brownies or brúinidh as they are known in Gaelic. Most of it was basic facts, and I’ll do some more digging later after I finish unpacking.

Brownies are written about in English and Scottish folklore. It’s said that to have a brownie in your home will bring luck to you. Due to these folklores, people would keep a seat by the fire for the brownie to sit in when done working. After finding information on them, it makes sense why I was told to leave the cream out for him.

If the brownie feels they aren’t getting the appreciation they deserve, then it could lead them to turn into boggarts. Their alter-ego is known to mess with people by pulling blankets off and placing their clammy hands on their cheeks. Another warning is not to give them new clothes as this could lead to them vanishing forever from home.

Letter from my seanmhair.

I met one of my neighbors yesterday. She came to drop off some dinner for me. With it came a letter from my seanmhair that explained how to get along with my mythical roommate. She called it a brownie or brúinidh in Gaelic. I was confused at first but reading it brought back some memories of my summer visits.

Seanmhair would be sitting on the porch crocheting as she watched me run around the yard. There were floating, specks of light that followed me. I can’t remember what they resembled then. Other times I would help to pour cream into a saucer. It would be under the cuckoo clock, and every morning I would rush to see if it was empty. Sometimes we would add some cake to it.

Cuckoo Clock

The cuckoo clock my seanmhair got my sean as an anniversary gift. I’m surprised it’s in such good condition appearance wise. The hands aren’t moving so I’ll have to get those fixed. What’s odd is the saucer underneath it. I took it to the kitchen to clean later. Somehow seeing the dish sparked a feeling in me. It’s like a memory trying to resurface, but didn’t make it.

Seanmhair = grandma
Sean = grandpa
Grandpa’s Cuckoo Clock

Made it to Scotland!

Hálo. Fay Bennet here. Finally made it to Scotland! That flight from New York has given me a severe case of jet lag. The drive here was nice as I drove through the countryside.

To keep in touch with my family and friends I’ve decided to make a blog of my life here.

Grandma’s cozy cottage brings back some fond, childhood memories. Can’t wait to see the inside. I’ll post later during my breaks in between unpacking.

Hálo = Hello
Seanmhair = grandma
Grandma’s Cozy Cottage!